Beagles of Jack's Connection

DOB 02.05.2024

Xquisite Gems Litter

Sire: V-CIB, CCh MultiVCh One Like No One Exstrim Be
Dam: Int MultiCh Wilma Wisdom Maybe of jack‘s connection

Greyson X. Garner (Greyson) tric.
Gatsby Xeno Gibbs (Gatsby) tric.
Gary Xando Graham  (Gary) tric.
Giles Geoffrey Xavi  (Xavi) tric.
Gigi Grace Xayla (GiGi) tric.
Gladys Gaia Xena (Xena) tric.
Gillian Xilly Goia (Luna) tric.

DOB 01.05.2024

Winsome Fairytales Litter

Sire: ÖJCh, CJS’21 Wilson Magic Wonder of jack’s connection
Dam: Int CCh Maegan Chery Mae of jack’s connection

Faithful Way Fellow (Faithy) bic.
Felix Wallace Fly (Felix) tric.
Freedom Warrior Fynn (Finik) tric.
Future Winner Fraser (Jolly)  tric.
Finch Watson Forrest (Pauli) tric.
Frodo Winston Flash (Cody)  tric.
Foster Flame Woods (Foster) tric.
Fable Wendy Felice (Felice) bic.
Finny Wiley Fluffy (Finny) bic.
Fame Winsome Fairy (Fame) bic

DOB 09.10.2023

En Vogue Emerald Litter

Sire: JJCh Simply Royal Not Your Muffin
Dam: Int MultiCh Qi Goddess Quenya of jack‘s connection

En Vogue Eleanor (Nori) tric.

DOB 03.07.2023

Delightful Unique Dandelions Litter

Sire: JWW’18 IntCh MultiCh Cosmostar Barefoot Bandit
Dam: Int MultiCh Sayanah Indygo Sky of jack‘s connection

Dreamy Dale Utah (Aaron) tric.
Django Uri Dancer (Juri) bic.
Dave Unit Dwayne (Balu) bic.
Derek Usher Drake (Lino) bic.
Deep Universe Diesel (Charlie) bic.
Dorothea Uma Delia (Dora) tric.

DOB 13.08 2022

Cheryl's Cute Tangerines Litter

Sire: JWW’18 IntCh MultiCh Cosmostar Barefoot Bandit
Dam: Int CCh Maegan Cheryl Mae of jack‘s connection

Cameron Thorn Carter (Lou) tric.
Collin Tudor Cooper (Oskar) tric.
Cashew Chilly Tucker (Hugo) bic.
Cori Cosy Tangerine (MiniMini) tric.
Cina Tabea Colette (Cina) tric.
Charisma Cae Terry (Chari) bic.
Coconut Cream Trish (Lilly) bic.
Casey Thea Carolynn (Casey) tric.

DOB 03.08.2022

Bright Summer Butterflies Litter

Sire: BISS IntCh MultiCh Valsi New York
Dam: Int MultiCh Qi Goddess Quenya of jack‘s connection

Beau Blake Sandman (Louis) tric.
Burt Stanley Baker (Stanley) tric.
Birdie Bo Savannah (Birdie) tric.
Bounty Shelly Babe (Shelly) tric.
Bevy Summer Breeze (Bree) tric.
Billie Sugar Blossom (Molly) tric.
Black Berry Shanaya (Pudding) tric.


DOB 19.01.2022

Abbey Road Litter

Sire: Lucky Boy Lollipopp of jack‘s connection
Dam: Int MultiCh Holly Xia Honeybee of jack‘s connection

Anthony Ryan Anakin (Anakin) tric.
Arthur Robin Archer (Banksy) tric.
Abbey Ava Rosalynn (Abbey) tric.
Amy River Aaliyah (Amy) tric.

DOB 06.10.2021

Peaceful Zen Litter

Sire: CCh Like A Daddy Królewska Zgraja
Dam: Int MultiCh Kayah Amy Keeper of jack‘s connection

Zeus Paiman Zadock (Bruno) tric.
Zidane Paddy Zippo (Pico) tric.
Zenith Phill Zero (Zero) tric.
Zephyr Payton Zafer (Zefi) tric.
Zarya Penny Zoya (Cora) tric.
Zarah Phillys Zivah (Flecki) tric.
ZsaZsa Poppy Zoey (Poppy) tric.
Zita Zarina Phoebe (Phoebe) tric.
Ziska Zuri Pepper (Zelma) tric.
Zivy Phoenix Ziah (Ivy) tric.

DOB 08.06.2021

Yannick‘s Yin & Yang Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Idol Ian Yannick of jack‘s connection
Dam: CJS‘18 CCh Qi Goddess Quenya of jack‘s connection

Yuno Oliver Yorick of jc’s (Nico) tric.
Yared Oscar Yale of jc’s (Luke) tric.
Yannick’s Odin Yven of jc’s (Eddie) tric.
Youpi Othilia Yule of jc’s (Yule) tric.
Yuki Ophelia Yuna of jc’s (Yuki) tric.
Yvett Ornella Yaris of jc’s (Nahema) tric.

DOB 25.02.2021

Xia‘s Nosey Xplorers

Sire: Otis Edgar Owen of jack‘s connection
Dam: Int MultiCh Holly Xia Honeybee of jack‘s connection

Xia‘s Xavier Noah of jc’s (Xavier) tric.
Xia‘s Nathan Xando of jc’s (Nathan) tric.
Xia‘s Ximena Norah of jc’s (Ximena) tric.
Xia‘s Nayla Xanthi of jc’s (Nayla) blue tric.

DOB 14.08.2020

Magic Wonder Litter

Sire: JWW‘18 Int MultiCh Cosmostar Barefoot Bandit
Dam: Int MultiCh Sarah Lee‘s Pack The Rising Sun

Wilson Magic Wonder of jc’s (Wilson) tan-white
Warren Wilem Morris of jc’s (Liron) fawn-white
Wizard Woody Miles of jc’s (Woody) red-white
Watson Walter Max of jc’s (Luis) fawn-white
Wilma Wisdom Maybe of jc’s (Wilma) tan-white
Wanda White Miracle of jc’s (Wanda) tan-white

DOB 10.08.2020

Vacation Love Litter

Sire: CCh Simonaland Bright Summer
Dam: Int CCh Maegan Cheryl Mae of jack‘s connection

Vincent Lee Vaughn of jc’s (Vincent) tan-white
Victor Larry Vandyke of jc’s (Victor) tric.
Vibrant Linus Vito of jc’s (Linus) tric.
Vivien Vivi Leigh of jc’s (Vivi) tric.
Vera Virginia Lynn of jc’s (Lyni) tric.
Venus Velvet Leah of jc’s (Toffee) tric.
Viva Lori Valentine of jc’s (Lori) tric.
Vanilie Lou Violet of jc’s (Biene) tric.

DOB 13.01.2020

Unique Kissing Unicorns

Sire: JWW‘18 Int MultiCh Cosmostar Barefoot Bandit
Dam: Int MultiCh Holly Xia Honeybee of jack‘s connection

Unique Unicorn Knox of jc’s (Cody) tric.
Unique Unicorn Kim of jc’s (Kim) blue tric.
Unique Unicorn Kylie of jc’s (Mona Lisa) blue tric.

DOB 30.12.2019

The Jolly Toys Litter

Sire: JWW‘18 Int MultiCh Cosmostar Barefoot Bandit
Dam: Int MultiCh Kayah Amy Keeper of jack‘s connection

Tim Taylor Jeremy of jc’s (Timmy) tric.
Tobby Jordan Travis of jc’s (Tobby) tric.
Tyler Truman Jonah of jc’s (Bruno) tric.
Trevor Jamie Tobiah of jc’s (Jamie) tric.
The Tactical Joker of jc’s (Joker) tric.
Tracy Jade Tatum of jc’s (Nami) tric.
Thelma Josie Tate of jc’s (Josie) tric.
Tammy Jewel Toy of jc’s (Tammy) tric.

DOB 15.05.2019

Infinite Soulmate Litter

Sire: Int Ch Little Brother Louie of jacks connection
Dam: Int MultiCh Kayah Amy Keeper of jack‘s connection

Sir Iconic Snoopy of jc’s (Snoopy) tric.
Sir Icarus Sparks of jc’s (Rocky) tric.
Sir Irvin Spencer of jc’s (Jonny) tric.
Sophie Ice Soulmate of jc’s (Sophie) tric.
Shirley Sue India of jc’s (Laila) tric.
Sayanah Indigo Sky of jc’s (Indigo) tric.
Samantha Ivy Siri of jc’s (Siri) tric.
Sweet Solace Imani of jc’s (Luna) tric.

DOB 11.05.2019

Hilarious Rabbits Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Kenneth Alec Keeper of jack‘s connection
Dam: Int CCh Maegan Chery Mae of jack‘s connection

Rhodey Rocket Hero (Rhodey) tric.
Rankin Howie Riggs (Howie) tric.
Rumour Hilary Rose of jc’s (Pam) tric.
Rosemary Hot Rebel of jc’s (Lucy) tric.
Romy Rachel Harlow of jc’s (Romy) tric.
Reina Riley Harmony of jc’s (Riley) tric.

DOB 04.08.2018

Galactic Qi Litter

Sire: CCh Alotorius Old Glory Dream Boy
Dam: Int MultiCh Holly Xia Honeybee of jack‘s connection

Quentin Qi Gareth (Gareth) tric.
Quaila Gillian Qi of jc’s (Rocky) tric.
Qi Goddess Quenya of jc’s (Eny) tric.
Quickstep Qi Gea of jc’s (QiQi) tric.
Qi Galactic Queen of jc’s (Gaia) tric.

DOB 27.03.2018

Posh Feelings Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Kenneth Alec Keeper of jack‘s connection
Dam: Int MultiCh Frances Faye Valerie of jack‘s connection

Preston Parker Falk of jc’s (Preston) tric.
Percy Pike Frederic of jc’s (Smoky) tric.
Peter Pan Ferghus of jc’s (Pedro) tric.
Philippa Piper Fay of jc’s (Bella) tric.
Posh Phyllis Farrow of jc’s (Poshi) tric.

DOB 09.03.2018

Outstanding Eagles Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Sunny Simpatica Pocket Joy
Dam: Int MultiCh Kayah Amy Keeper of jack‘s connection

Otis Edgar Owen of jc’s (Edgar) tric.
Orson Eliot Osborne of jc’s (Balu) tric.
Oalma Erykah Oana of jc’s (Alma) tric.
Ophra Euphoria Ora of jc’s (Phori) tric.
Oralee Ebony Oonah of jc’s (Bonnie) tric.

DOB 06.07.2017

Dazzling Nuts Litter

Sire: CCh Bibopo Evening Shade by Catulus
Dam: Int MultiCh Holly Xia Honeybee of jack‘s connection

Neals Nut Diamond (Neals) tric.
Newbie Dream Nikita of jc’s (Nika) tric.
Neela Dazzling Nut of jc’s (Neela) tric.

DOB 18.08.2016

MC Masterpieces Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Astravegas Shoker Little Joker
Dam: Int MultiCh Frances Faye Valerie of jack‘s connection

Milky Mellow Cake of jc’s (Casper) tan-white
Magic Captain Monty of jc’s (Monty) tric.
My CreamCookie Mats of jc’s (Mats) tan-white
Miley Molly Cayenne of jc’s (Molly) tric.
Maegan Cheryl Mae of jc’s (Maegan) tric.
Mara Carlotte Macy of jc’s (Mara) tric.

DOB 07.10.2015

Lovely Bears Litter

Sire: CJS‘14 Palomino Cream von der Thurnmühle
Dam: Cashira Curly Sue of jack‘s connection

Lazy Bacardi Logan of jc’s (Charlie) tan-white
Little Brother Louie of jc’s (Louie) tric.
Lucky Boy Lollipop of jc’s (Lucky) tan-white
Lovely Bear Leànn of jc’s (Leann) tan-white
Luxurious Lucy Bee of jc’s (Lucy) tric.

DOB 19.06.2015

Kangaroo Keepers Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Langrigg Soldiering On
Dam: Int MultiCh Dinah Dee Treasure of jack‘s connection

Kenneth Alec Keeper of jc’s (Kenny) tric.
Kayah Amy Keeper of jc’s (Kayah) tric.

DOB 12.07.2014

Jazzy Zazzies Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Fonteposca‘s Face To Face
Dam: Cashira Curly Sue of jack‘s connection

Jay Z Jeremy of jc‘s (Jerry) tric.
Josh Zaharias Joel of jc‘s (Joshi) tric.
Jared Zac Jackson of jc‘s (Jack) tric.
Jaylee Zily Jocelyn of jc‘s (Sofi) tric.
Jill Zaliah Jezabel of jc‘s (Ella) tric.

DOB 01.07.2014

Incredible Idols Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Fonteposca‘s Face To Face
Dam: Int MultiCh Frances Faye Valerie of jack‘s connection

Idol Yaden Ike of jc’s (Ike) tric.
Idol Ian Yannick of jc’s (Luke) tric.
I-doll YoYo Imogen of jc’s (YoYo) tic.
I-doll Yoko Imonee of jc’s (Yoko) tric.
I-doll Ylvi Ioana of jc’s (Luna) tric.
I-doll Yolanda Iola of jc’s (Yola) tric.

DOB 19.02.2014

XoXo Hugs & Kisses Litter

Sire: Ch Xando Xandrina
Dam: Int MultiCh Dinah Dee Treasure of jack‘s connection

Hilarious X-Ray Hero of jc’s (Tassilo) tan-white
Holly Xia Honeybee of jc’s (Holly) tric.

DOB 29.11.2012

Goddess Winterdream Litter

Sire: 3x Clubsieger Ch Kailas Darksan
Dam: Cashira Curly Sue of jack‘s connection

Gorgeus Wynona Gae of jc‘s (Winnie) tric.
Guinevre Willow Glory of jc‘s (Willow) tan-white
Gwen Whispered Gossip of jc‘s (Gwenie) tric.
Glorious Gina Wild of jc‘s (Gini) tric.
Ginger Witty Girl of jc‘s (Ginger) tric.

DOB 09.05.2011

Fairytales Violets Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh VWS Hessin Tobias
Dam: Karolina Niobe Xandrina

Finley Vic Farell of jc‘s (Finley) tric.
Faith Velvet Fee of jc‘s (FeeBee/Fanny) tan-white
Fairy Farah Virginia of jc‘s (Emily) tric.
Frances Faye Valerie of jc‘s (Franni) tan-white

DOB 10.08.2010

Excelent & Unique Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Fonteposca‘s Face To Face
Dam: Int MultiCh Frances Faye Valerie of jack‘s connection

Eugene Urban Earl of jc’s (Gino) tric.
Elisha Uri Emanuell of jc’s (Fluffy) tric.
Esther Emely Unice of jc’s (Emily) tic.

DOB 19.06.2009

DayDreamer Team Litter

Sire: Int MultiCh Absolutely Spotless Szach
Dam: Karolina Niobe Xandrina

Day Dreamer Timothy of jc‘s (Timmy) tan-white
Duffy The Drummer of jc‘s (Sam) tric.
D<lan Trent D‘Arby of jc‘s (Dylan) tan-white
DMX Twilight Dave of jc‘s (Speedy) tric.
Dinah Dee Treasure of jc‘s (Dinah) tric.

DOB 06.06.2007

So Cute Litter

Sire: CCh Flossy Fiddler von der Thurnmühle
Dam: Karolina Niobe Xandrina

Chiara Cara Saffron of jc‘s (Cara) tric.
Cashira Curly Sue of jc‘s (Sue) tric.

DOB 19.11.1999

Runaway Babes Litter

Sire: Yomo Johannssohn vom Schloß Altenau
Dam: Sally Blyskavica

Black Button Runaway of jc‘s (Butt) tric.
Babe Bridget Rosabel of jc‘s (Babe) tric.
Beverly Bramble Rose of jc‘s (Bevy) tric.
Black Ribbon Bamboo of jc‘s (Bonny) tric.
Bett Boops Ruby of jc‘s (Ruby) tric.

DOB 06.07.2017

Absolutely Pie Litter

Sire: MultiCh ES Bar Atlantic‘s True Trademark
Dam: Sally Blyskavica

Ashley Apple Pie of jc’s (Pie) tric.